Massage by San Diego Accident Chiropractic your auto injury specialists

“Our Massage Therapists utilize a variety of techniques to achieve optimal results.”

Massage Therapy aids in relaxing muscles to relieve tension, and inflammation, improves range of motion and joint flexibility, increases endorphins and strengthens the immune system. Our therapy will enhance your chiropractic services. If needed, in combination with Chiropractic rehabilitation our clients can manage chronic pain symptoms and patterns with the aim of achieving maximal therapeutic effect.

San Diego Chiropractic therapists have knowledge of various types of massage techniques they have developed over time with their own personal experience with rehabilitating a variety of conditions they have encountered. Once they locate and detect areas of concern that require attention, our therapists will utilize specific and personalized techniques to correct the underlying cause of the problem at any of our San Diego massage locations.

Our Therapists Specialize in the following techniques:
Deep Tissue
Trigger Point Therapy

Schedule your appointment with one of our professionals. Our massage therapists use this therapy to help patients relax muscles, relieve tension, improves range of motion and joint flexibility, This therapy is also known in strengthening the immune system and is an important part of total overall health and wellness.